
Dealer Simon Rastall uses Instagram for introducing new works.

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1 How did you get your start?

I started collecting art and following auctions about 20 years ago and decided to deal in paintings about three years ago as this is my real passion and interest. My first real sale was a big Fred Yates oil painting of his garden in Rancon, France. Since I started I’ve seen cycles and prices for some artists’ works change quickly in the Modern British art market, but quality shines through. Abstract works with colour seem to have started to attract more interest recently as do good portraits by known British names.

2 Fairs v shops v online - what’s your preference?

We do fairs and online sales and love analysing statistics that come through our various technology platforms as we have huge IT technical skills in-house. We love Instagram for introducing new works and to keep people informed of what is coming up next in our world of paintings. It helps you make informed decisions if you know a painting is getting better traffic online. However, three days talking to customers at a fair can also be very informative.

3 What do buyers find most appealing at the moment in your area?

Anything with bright colours and artists they recognise.

4 What’s your ‘holy grail’ - something you would love to get your hands on?

A really good David Bomberg or Paul Signac’s 1909 The Pine Tree at Saint- Tropez (currently in a Russian museum).

5 Real ale or espresso martini?

We’re Gloucestershire born and bred; we make 300 pints of our own cider each year!