Mademoiselle Baronet by Jean-Marc Nattier


This portrait by Jean-Marc Nattier of Mademoiselle Baronet and her mother was sold by Talabardon & Gautier on the opening night of the Salon du Dessin.

18th century drawings


A selection of 18th century drawings on the stand of Talabardon & Gautier, an exhibitor at the Salon du Dessin. Talabardon & Gautier has a gallery on Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré in Paris

Vincent Lécuyer


Exhibitor Vincent Lécuyer from Paris on his stand at the Salon du Dessin. 

New York's Jill Newhouse Gallery


A view of part of the stand of exhibitor Jill Newhouse Gallery from New York at the Salon du Dessin.