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The award is designed to acknowledge the auctioneer who has best integrated online bidding into his sales and who provides the additional services needed for a really successful auction, serving both the needs of bidders in the room and those bidding remotely on the net.

The award is open to all auctioneers who use the internet, regardless of their hosting company.

The ATG Media Award for the Best Auctioneer on the Internet will be judged on the following criteria:

Cataloguing: How suitable are the lot descriptions for searching on the internet? Are the vital key words included?
Images: How well do they serve the internet browser? Is there sufficient detail and are they well composed for both a thumbnail and an expanded view?

On the day:
Rostrum craft: How well does the auctioneer engage with the internet bidder? Do they give that split second before the hammer falls for the internet bidder to deliver one more bid?
Video: How well does the auctioneer use this channel to engage with the internet bidder?

How flexible are the payment methods offered by the auctioneer?
How helpful is the auctioneer when it comes to shipping?

A shortlist will be compiled from surveys sent to ATG readers and all those who have registered on ATG Media websites
The final decision will be taken by an independent panel of industry experts.

The Prize:
The winning auction house will be invited to bring a team to London to participate in ATG’s annual pub quiz in December, where the presentation will be made and the trophy awarded. The prize will also include overnight accommodation in London for the winning team.