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Headquartered in Geneva at 10 Rue Blavignac, Bonhams Europe S.A. conducts sales of jewellery, watches, cars and automobilia in centres including Monaco, Nurburgring, Gstaad and Geneva.

The announcement of the network is another step along the path of development set out by chairman Robert Brooks in his extensive interview with the Antiques Trade Gazette at the beginning of March.

Bonhams European representatives are as follows:
BELGIUM: Sophie Lechat,
Rue des Taxandres 25, Brussels.
DENMARK: John Raben-Levetzau, c/o Pandebjerg Estate Office, 4800 Nykøbing.
GERMANY: Hans Schede,
An St. Swidbert 14, Dusseldorf Isabell Fassbender, Bismarckstrasse 27, Bonn.
ITALY: Cecilia Grilli, Via di Gesu’e Maria 19, Rome.
NETHERLANDS: Michael Bakker, 1400 BA Bussum.
PORTUGAL: Irene de Magalhaes, Avenida Venezuela, Parque Palmela, Monte-Estoril, and: Duarte Pinto Coelho, Avenue Emidio Navarro 39, Cascais.
SWEDEN: Jurgen Lindkvist, Grevgatan 6, Stockholm.

Details of Bonhams representatives outside Europe will follow shortly.