Letters to the Editor

ATG Letter: Collections 'are now worthless'

16 April 2018

MADAM – As a dealer (and collector) in antique needlework tools and other small collectables, I am dismayed and angered by the proposals for the ivory ban as outlined in detail in last week’s ATG.


ATG Letter: Seven reasons the ivory ban is ‘flawed and ill-conceived’

16 April 2018

MADAM – Having read the government (Defra) statement on the UK ivory ban (ATG No 2337), it is obvious that far from offering clarity, it is flawed on the following points:

ATG Letter: Send ATG to your local MP

16 April 2018

MADAM – I would suggest sending a copy of last week’s ATG guide to the ivory ban to every MP with an appropriate covering letter.

ATG Letter: ‘Heading towards unworkable fudge’

16 April 2018

MADAM – I am alarmed at the government’s apparently poor understanding of how the trade works and its relationship with collectors and venerable institutions.

ATG Letter: 'The ivory ban is about Michael Gove playing politics, not saving elephants'

09 April 2018

MADAM – I concur with everything that Michael Baggott wrote in ATG No 2235.


ATG Letter: Why Defra's ‘de minimis’ provision for antique ivory is ‘extraordinarily impractical’

09 April 2018

MADAM – Defra’s findings outlined in the post-consultation document include an extraordinarily impractical provision for the ‘de minimis’ exemption – requiring registration (with an as yet unspecified fee) of all objects with an ivory content below 10% created before 1947.


ATG letter: Our sales spike during events

02 April 2018

MADAM – Re your report on dealer findings in Art Basel’s The Art Market 2018 report (ATG No 2335), I was intrigued by the ‘Average time taken to sell works from dealers’ inventories…’ graph.

ATG letter: 3B or not 3B (or possibly 4B), that is the question

02 April 2018

MADAM – I sympathise with your correspondent Phil Higginbotham (Letters, ATG No 2335), who decries booksellers’ notes on endpapers.


ATG letter: Why I go for broken Staffordshire figurines

26 March 2018

MADAM – I am an artist and a restorer and have been working with broken Staffordshire figurines for some time now – re-inventing and giving them a new lease of life.


ATG letter: Let’s have discussion without bias on antiques ivory issue

26 March 2018

MADAM – I was open-mouthed in disbelief to see again opinion discussed as fact when the ivory issue was aired on national television (ATG No 2334).


ATG letter: Doctor Who script – Who are you kidding?

26 March 2018

MADAM – I did a double – no, triple – take when I read the article ‘First Doctor Who script up at auction’ in ATG No 2332.

ATG letter: Shame of early ivory purchases

26 March 2018

MADAM – I have pieces of antique elephant tusk ivory that I collected unconcerned about the (now well-known) conservation problems.

ATG lettter: Cross out the scribbles

26 March 2018

MADAM – Have sellers of antiquarian books never considered the use of ‘Post-it’ notes? Do they not realise that pencil scribbles actually devalue the product that they are trying to sell?

ATG Letter: Taking issue with Two Million Tusks' assertions

12 March 2018

MADAM – Last week (ATG No 2332) you published a response from lobby group Two Million Tusks to my suggestion that there should be a TV programme on the subject of ivory.


ATG Letter: My copies of Antiques Trade Gazette are art in themselves...

12 March 2018

MADAM – I am an artist based in Liverpool. I found some copies of ATG in a charity shop and used them for a collage.

ATG letter: Tell the full story of ivory

05 March 2018

MADAM – We write in response to the letter written by Daniel Fearon suggesting a special BBC Antiques Roadshow programme to discuss/ showcase objects solely made of, or incorporating ivory (ATG No 2330).

ATG letter: Lost appeal of young classics

05 March 2018

MADAM – As a jewellery consultant I thought my first letter to the ATG would be about ivory. But No.

ATG letter: Auctioneers should ‘up their game’ on watches

05 March 2018

MADAM – I think the increased interest and associated rise in value of vintage and collectable watches means auction houses really need to up their game both in terms of what they’re selling and how they are describing lots.

ATG letter: Silver Vaults since 1885

05 March 2018

MADAM – Re: the article by Laura Chesters concerning the future of the Silver Vaults (ATG No 2330). Just to correct a small point – that the Chancery Lane Safe Deposit was opened by the Lord Mayor in May 1885 and not in 1876.

ATG letter: Museum quality tag is at odds with education aim

26 February 2018

MADAM – Gavin Littaur’s comment (Letters, ATG No 2329) that “BAMF’s definition of ‘museum quality’ is exceedingly unhelpful” pulls its punches too much.

