Letters to the Editor


ATG letter: Jeremy Thorpe – risky strategy but right

13 August 2018

MADAM – For the record, Mr Jeremy Thorpe (Previews, ATG No 2353) did not refuse to give evidence – he was advised by his lawyers not to and reluctantly took their advice.

ATG letter: CITES on the ground

13 August 2018

MADAM – I thought your readers might be interested in having a greater understanding of the importance that CITES plays in protecting wildlife and fauna.

ATG letter: Ivory – call for more petitioners

06 August 2018

MADAM – My congratulations to Anthony Bernbaum and to Lewis Baer for their excellent letters: Mr Bernbaum’s account of why he left Online Galleries and Mr Baer advocating the creation of a global trade body for the art and antiques sector (ATG No 2352).


ATG letter: Got an early Grayson Perry?

06 August 2018

MADAM – Have ATG readers got a Grayson Perry pot or plate from the 1980s lurking in their living rooms? If they have, then the Holburne Museum in Bath wants to hear from them.


ATG letter: Outsize tongs, egg lifters and expert ding-dongs

06 August 2018

MADAM – I was interested to see the picture of ‘outsize tongs’ considered to vegetable tongs or salad servers from a recent Adam’s sale in Dublin (ATG No 2352, page 21).

2352 LE Online Galleries.JPG

ATG letter: Why I waved bye-bye to Online Galleries

23 July 2018

MADAM – I wanted to add to the discussion (ATG No 2344) on the recent fee increase by Online Galleries (Anthony Bernbaum of The Peartree Collection writes).

ATG letter: Handy tip on ivory petition

23 July 2018

MADAM – ATG readers may know about the online petition created by dealer Alastair Gibson to raise the ivory ‘de minimis’ in the government’s ivory ban (Freya Simms, chief executive of LAPADA, writes). We have just written to our members, in case they wish to support this, to pass on a tip about filling in the online form. I am passing on this information to ATG readers also.

ATG letter: United Nations of dealers

23 July 2018

MADAM – I write in reference to the letter from BADA chairman Michael Cohen, and the reply by LAPADA chief executive Freya Simms (ATG No 2351), on cooperation between the two organisations (Lewis J Baer of Newel, New York writes).


ATG letter: Tracking down elusive sitter

23 July 2018

MADAM – May I trespass on your letters space? Some time ago, I bought at auction a painting by John Hoppner, RA (Leo Keane of Lancashire writes).

BADA aims: a selling portal and joint legal fund

16 July 2018

I would like to extend my warm congratulations and warm welcome to Freya Simms as the new LAPADA chief executive, writes BADA chairman and dealer Michael Cohen.


Ivory ban ‘is a purely opportunistic move’

09 July 2018

MADAM – I write in support of the views expressed in BADA chairman Michael Cohen’s letter (ATG No 2349), written in response to another letter supporting the ban (ATG No 2348).

ATG letter: countering the simplistic view about the banning of ivory

02 July 2018

MADAM – I am writing to counter the simplistic view espoused by Niall Milligan concerning the banning of ivory (Letters, ATG No 2348).


ATG letter: Clarity needed over museum's ivory stance

02 July 2018

MADAM – News that the British Museum is to accept the donation of more than 500 Chinese ivory figures from the Sir Victor Sassoon collection, mainly from the 18th and 19th centuries, is to be welcomed… to a degree!


ATG letters: Trade vested interests must accept ivory ban

25 June 2018

MADAM – Despite extensive editorial coverage as well as correspondence in Antiques Trade Gazette, the debate on banning ivory seems to lack balance.

ATG letter: Furniture price squeeze has helped auction fees rise

18 June 2018

MADAM – Like David Carter (ATG No 2345) I can remember the time when we auctioneers could make a living with only seller’s commission of 10%.


ATG letter: Lifting the lid on skirt lifters

18 June 2018

MADAM – As a collector of antique ladies’ skirt lifters, I was extremely interested to learn that Carole Walker bought one in silver (type unknown) dated 1836.

ATG letter: Duplicated emails dominated ivory consultation responses

18 June 2018

MADAM – The consultation by DEFRA on the proposed government ivory ban seemingly gave no information for or against a total ban on ivory which could help respondents have an informed opinion.


ATG letter: Premium rise would be unfair

11 June 2018

MADAM – In response to letters on credit card fees and buyer’s premium at auction houses in ATG No 2345, I would argue the assumptions made are misplaced – certainly in the case of how our auction house works.


ATG letter: This antiquities attitude must not cross the Atlantic

11 June 2018

MADAM – With high-profile seizures taking place, particularly in New York (‘Trade decries US crackdown on antiquities’, News, ATG No 2345), long-term damage is being inflicted on both the trade and museums.

ATG letter: Plea on traveller portraits info

04 June 2018

MADAM – I would be most grateful if any of your readers can tell me about any portraits of lady travellers in Rome in the 1830s-40s, painted by Antonio Chatelain (1794-1859).

