Letters to the Editor


ATG LETTER: Ivory and rhino horn view ‘does not make sense’

22 October 2018

MADAM – It is with some interest and concern that I read in ATG No 2362 of the new restrictions being proposed to government by BADA on the trade in rhino horn.


ATG Letter: Rewards for the underbidder sound great - mine’s a bottle of wine, thanks

20 October 2018

MADAM – I am writing regarding a point made at your recent round table (ATG No 2358) on charging for expertise, regarding how auctioneers need to value the underbidder.


The Back Page: Canine reader gets his teeth into Charterhouse auctioneer's copy of ATG

15 October 2018

With summer out of the way we can’t even blame the newspaper ‘silly season’ for running this tweet by Richard Bromell from Charterhouse auction house in Sherborne… but it did make us smile.

ATG letter: The government's lack of compensation for owners of ivory after the ban is ‘not fair’

08 October 2018

MADAM – I reply to the letter from Louise Ravula and Jane Alexandra (ATG No 2359) on a number of points they made about the antiques industry's attitude to the forthcoming ivory ban.

Paul Martin

Flog It! cancelled: Will the daytime antiques TV show be sadly missed or was it an idea flogged to death?

08 October 2018

The BBC’s decision to end the long-running Flog It! show after 17 years has been greeted with sadness by those involved and many viewers.


ATG letter: ‘Politicians are ignoring the facts on ivory’

01 October 2018

MADAM – It was unfair and misleading of Louise Ravula and Jane Alexandra, of Two Million Tusks, to identify the Alastair Gibson petition as “pro-ivory trade”.


ATG letter: Why dealers’ mark-up is their own business

01 October 2018

MADAM – I read with great interest your ‘The price is right’ report of the recent ATG round table, debating how to charge for expertise (ATG No 2358). I would like to respond to a question you posed as to whether dealers should have to justify their mark-up.


ATG letter: When is the ivory trade ban due to come into force in the UK?

01 October 2018

MADAM – Could you please update us on the forthcoming ivory ban: if passed, does it become law that day or will the new rules apply later? Richard Gardiner, Chichester.


Martin Levy: "Desire to save the elephant and preserving ivory art works not mutually exclusive"

24 September 2018

MADAM – The views expressed by your correspondents Louise Ravula and Jane Alexandra (ATG No 2359) cannot be allowed to stand unchallenged.


‘Bidders are still surprised by the buyer's premium they must pay’

24 September 2018

MADAM – I read with great interest your round table report (ATG No 2358). You asked us to continue the debate, so I write to you to make some observations.


ATG letter: Why should dealers have to justify their retail pricing?

17 September 2018

MADAM – In your round table report on charging for expertise (ATG No 2358), you identified topics raised in the discussion and asked us to give our views them. So here goes:

ATG letter: If the trade cares about elephants, it must support this ban

17 September 2018

MADAM – As representatives of Two Million Tusks, we are writing to express our profound disappointment at ATG’s promotion of Alastair Gibson’s pro-ivory trade petition [Editor writes: petition is to increase the proposed de minimis exemption for antique ivory from 10% to 50%].

ATG letter: We should support ivory petition, not dismiss it

10 September 2018

MADAM – I read the letter from Gavin Littaur (ATG No 2355, August 25) and the letter of the previous edition from Nick Silver (ATG no 2354, August 18) with more than a little puzzlement.

ATG letter: Attributions are always a matter of opinion

10 September 2018

MADAM – Those still reeling in shocked disbelief over the painting Glass with two pears by William Nicholson being judged as not being by his hand [as part of a BBC Fake or Fortune? programme], might take heart from an article on page 9 in ATG No 2355.


Trade takes cricket revenge in annual match 2018

10 September 2018

Jamie Rountree of Rountree Tryon Galleries writes to let us know the result of the annual cricket match between the Art Trade and Christie’s Auctioneers.


ATG letter: Chippendale ivory removal is ‘unforgivable’ – furniture dealer Martin Levy

03 September 2018

MADAM – Your news story (‘Ivory removed from Chippendale before sale’, ATG No 2356) draws attention to the deliberate and unforgivable removal of original ivory elements from an important commode by Thomas Chippendale, England’s most famous cabinet maker.


ATG’s Chippendale news story: media reaction

03 September 2018

Our story last week revealed that ivory elements of an important piece of Chippendale furniture, the Rowland Winn commode made c.1766, were removed for its appearance at a Christie’s auction earlier this year, the commode having been imported from the US.

ATG letter: Petition - House of Lords may see sense

27 August 2018

MADAM – ATG letter correspondents Peter Cameron and Gavin Littaur (ATG Nos 2353, 2355) have hit the nail on the head in many ways.


Items with ivory already threatened

27 August 2018

MADAM – In his letter (ATG No 2355) Michael Baggott references the possibility that, following changes in the law, antiques could be mutilated because of their ivory content.

ATG letter: We must record the ivory items at risk

20 August 2018

MADAM – A friend in the trade asked me over a year ago, ‘what will you do if antiques containing ivory are made illegal?’. Since then I’ve given it serious thought. What can any of us do?

