

Artists Resale Right

Living artists and the descendants of artists deceased within the last 70 years are entitled to receive a resale royalty each time their work is sold.

The charge applies to the sale of original works of art made via transactions conducted by both dealers and auctioneers.

Dealers bid to cut out art heirs forever

16 October 2006

DEALERS from all over Europe have launched a campaign to get rid of the resale right enjoyed by the heirs of dead artists.

New deal limits artists’ resale levy on prints

02 October 2006

NEW guidelines limiting the types of print that can attract the Artist’s Resale Right have come into force. They restrict qualifying works to those where the artist has been directly involved in preparing the matrix – the inked surface used in printing.

DACS distribute £65,000 in resale rights

11 September 2006

THE Design and Artists Copyright Society (DACS) has made its second Droit de Suite pay-out to artists. It means that the collecting agency has now distributed over £65,000 since the resale levy was implemented in February. More than 140 artists have now received payments from DACS.

DACS make first pay-outs to artists

10 July 2006

THE Design and Artist's Copyright Society (DACS) have made their first pay-outs to artists for the Droit de Suite resale levy.

Bridgeman launch agency to rival DACS

22 May 2006

THE launch of a new collecting agency for the artist’s resale levy has broken the monopoly of The Design and Artists Copyright Society (DACS). The Bridgeman Art Library, one of the world’s leading sources of fine art images, told ATG that they have set up a new company called Artists’ Collecting Society (ACS) to collect the levy on behalf of artists in the UK.

Australia reject resale royalty but invest A$6m in artists instead

22 May 2006

AUSTRALIA have rejected Droit de Suite.

Artists' Resale Right brings three associations together for first time

13 March 2006

MORE details have been emerging as to exactly how dealers will have to meet their obligations under the droit de suite directive.

Trade take Droit de Suite on the chin in the provinces

06 March 2006

DROIT de Suite, the much-dreaded Artist’s Resale Right, faced an early test at a Godalming picture sale last week, and slipped into the world of UK provincial auctions with barely a murmur.

Valentine’s Day finally brings us Droit de Suite

20 February 2006

Droit de Suite, the Artist’s Resale Right, finally came into force on February 14. It means that, subject to certain conditions, living artists are entitled to receive a royalty each time their art work is bought and sold via an art market professional.

Artist's Resale Right now in force

14 February 2006

Droit de Suite, the long-awaited Artist's Resale Right, comes into force today, February 14. It means that, subject to certain conditions, living artists are entitled to receive a royalty each time their art work is bought and sold via an art market professional.

Minister’s vow over art levy brings hope

30 January 2006

UK Government will campaign to exclude artists’ heirs permanently


I don’t want a resale right on my art…

11 January 2006

...and I’ll fight it in the courts if I have to

Droit de Suite – who has to pay what to whom and when...

15 December 2005

Who has the resale right? The artist holding copyright of their work or a qualifying body to whom they have assigned the right under the regulations, such as a charity. Until January 1, 2010, the right only applies if the artist is living.

Government to review details of art resale levy

13 June 2005

MONTHS of lobbying and debate over droit de suite have now come to an an end. Parties on all sides have submitted their views to the Patent Office on how the art resale levy should be introduced into the UK and administered.

Tory manifesto arts pledges

19 April 2005

The Conservatives have vowed to fight Droit de Suite in their election manifesto. “Conservatives believe the Artist’s Resale Right will be highly detrimental to the British art market, and will benefit competitors outside the EU,” the manifesto reads.

New study shows art resale tax will damage market: Statistics show that rate cap will not protect top end of market

21 February 2005

A GROUND-BREAKING study into the likely effects of a new levy on art shows it could seriously damage the UK market and cost jobs.

Strasbourg blow over droit de suite

19 December 2000

THE British Art Market Federation has expressed disappointment as the European Parliament is seeking to reverse special provisions for the UK concerning droit de suite, the artists’ resale levy.

Artists against Droit de Suite

04 December 2000

SEVENTY-FIVE leading contemporary artists have lent their names to a poster campaign against droit de suite, claiming that the currrent EU directive on artists’ resale right deprives them of their right to freedom of choice.

BAMF keeps up the pressure on the EU over droit de suite

31 October 2000

ANTHONY Browne, chairman of the British Art Federation, has just led a delegation of art dealers to Strasbourg to lobby the European Parliament further on the artists’ resale levy, droit de suite.

Call to drop droit de suite as third bid for vote fails

01 November 1999

EU: THE British Art Market Federation wants the European Union to abandon its bid to impose the artists’ resale rights on the UK after member states again failed to vote on the measure on Thursday.