Latest News Articles by Roland Arkell

How would Scottish Referendum affect art ownership?

29 August 2014

If Scotland votes for independence on September 18, how might this affect the ownership of art North and South of the Border?

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V&A secures Egyptian revival cabinet

27 August 2014

This Egyptian revival medal cabinet, considered one of the finest pieces of French Empire furniture in Britain, has been ‘saved for the nation’ after a campaign by the Victoria & Albert Museum was successful in raising £534,000.

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Scotland votes 'yes' for Brecbannoch of Columba in replica

22 August 2014

With the Scottish referendum only weeks away, there could hardly be a better time to offer a replica of a reliquary which for centuries was a powerful symbol of Scotland’s national identity.

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Noah’s Ark draws in the bidders

22 August 2014

German-made painted wood Noah’s arks, appealing to folk art and toy collectors alike, don’t get much better than this mid-19th century example sold recently at Brightwells in Leominster.

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Nantgarw Friends to hold Bank Holiday antiques fair to help with fundraising drive

21 August 2014

In April 2013, the Nantgarw China Works Trust took on the lease of the site of the Nantgarw pottery where porcelain was produced under the aegis of William Billingsley between 1813-14 and again from 1817-19.

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Coslov majolica collection comes to London

20 August 2014

Highlights from the Coslov collection of English majolica will be on show in London next month prior to their sale at Freeman’s in Philadelphia on October 7.

Dreweatts appoint new chairman

19 August 2014

Dreweatts & Bloomsbury Auctions, the art and antiques subsidiary of The Stanley Gibbons Group, have appointed George Bailey as their new chairman effective from September 1.

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Spencer’s Great War masterpiece reopens after restoration campaign

18 August 2014

Earlier this month, 100 years to the day since the outbreak of the First World War, Sandham Memorial Chapel near Newbury reopened to the public after restoration.

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‘Moggy Ming’ bowl sets £90,000 house record

15 August 2014

The opening lots of a recent sale at Reeman Dansie of Colchester comprised a collection of Chinese porcelain which included a rare bowl that was apparently a favourite resting place for the family cat.

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Della Robbia pottery sees revival in London and the regions

15 August 2014

There are signs that last year’s publication of ‘The Della Robbia Pottery’ by Peter Hyland has given a lift to the market for the distinctive wares produced in Birkenhead by Harold Rathbone and Conrad Dressler between 1894-1906.

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Georgian world in miniature

13 August 2014

Chichester firm Stride & Sons included two fine Georgian miniatures in their latest sale.

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Benjamin West drawings take a combined £112,000

12 August 2014

Two drawings of Old Testament subjects by the American-born portrait and history painter Benjamin West (1738-1820) proved the highlight of the latest sale of Old Masters & 19th Century Works on Paper at Dreweatts & Bloomsbury Auctions’ saleroom in Mayfair.

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Leeds flat clearance yields Qing treasure

08 August 2014

There was huge pre-sale interest from the Far East in this Qing jade table screen at the latest fine art sale held by Tennants of Leyburn.

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Far Eastern market grows for Chinese Export silver

08 August 2014

It’s only recently in the decade-long boom in Chinese works of art that Far Eastern buyers have come to appreciate once again the merits of Export silver. Once a neglected area, academic interest has been piqued in the subject as the marketplace moves in leaps and bounds.

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Fitzwilliam Museum buys Coalport jug at Agricultural Society auction

25 July 2014

A massive Coalport Feldspar porcelain jug painted with a study of Earl Spencer’s Durham Ox in a parkland setting has been bought by the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge.

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Gold from Geordie shores: £150,000 collection emerges from Cullercoats bungalow

25 July 2014

The centrepiece of Anderson & Garland’s sale in Westerhope, near Newcastle, last month was the eclectic Walton Temple collection.

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Right time, right place this time around, say Sotheby’s and eBay

25 July 2014

Twelve years after their first online collaboration, Sotheby’s and eBay have formed a second partnership to stream Sotheby’s sales worldwide.

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Bidders fly to Hampshire to hear music box sing at £22,000

25 July 2014

Selborne, Hampshire, auctioneer Hannams produced a YouTube video to promote the presence of this very early key-wind musical box by Nicole Frères in their inaugural sale.

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Golden age pieces make their mark

23 July 2014

A recent sale at Bamfords of Derby included two outstanding pieces of Chippendale period rococo furniture, both consigned by a local lady who had inherited them from her father.

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Unique seat of learning belonging to agricultural pioneer

18 July 2014

Born near Loughborough into a family of tenant farmers, Robert Bakewell (1725-95) is recognised as an important figure in the Agricultural Revolution – a pioneer of the grassland irrigation he saw while travelling in Europe and an innovator in the selective breeding of livestock.