Print Edition


Previews: £501 - £2000

01 April 2017

ATG’s weekly selection of items on sale at auctions and dealerships.


5 Questions

01 April 2017

West Sussex dealer Joe Chaffer started Vagabond Antiques & Décor in October 2015.


A modern look at traditional India

01 April 2017

Crane Kalman’s upcoming exhibition Jethro Buck – Axis Mundi features recent work by a contemporary artist interested in Indian miniature painting.


Getting right to the nib of the matter

01 April 2017

The wide-ranging sale at Hansons (17.5% buyer’s premium) at Etwall on February 21 included a 20-lot section of fountain pens which offered a brief overview of this largely affordable area of collecting.


Sculpture in the Sixties

01 April 2017

Among the pieces available at Pangolin London’s ongoing exhibition Sculpture in the Sixties is Tower, a painted fibreglass and aluminium work by Nigel Hall (b.1943).


And then there were two Brothers Karamazov

01 April 2017

“Very rare, most extant copies behind institutional walls,” said Swann (25/20/12% buyer’s premium) of a first English language version of Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov.

Exhibitors call for change at TEFAF flagship

01 April 2017

Established dealers are calling for a “shake up” at the venerable TEFAF Maastricht in the wake of its 30th showing last month. Proposals include moving the fair to Amsterdam, making it shorter and including fewer exhibitors.


Toys for two generations

01 April 2017

From different centuries and different cultures – same surprising high results for these two toys offered at Tamlyns’ (18% buyer’s premium) sale at Bridgwater on February 15.


Perspectives from a Grand Tour

01 April 2017

Private works on a European theme yield strong prices in Cambridgeshire sale...


Chagall’s ‘Arabian Nights’

01 April 2017

Seen here is one of 13 coloured lithographs by Marc Chagall that make up Tales from the Arabian Nights, a special, deluxe portfolio printed by Albert Carman and published by Pantheon Books in New York in 1948.

France’s largest brocante: the Foire de Chatou

01 April 2017

A day out at France’s largest brocante and the return of classic chic with a contemporary twist...


Previews: £2001 - £5000

01 April 2017

ATG’s weekly selection of items on sale at auctions and dealerships.


A Napoleonic sit down protest

01 April 2017

A fairly early example of a traditional way of insulting Britain’s enemies up to and including the Second World War, this early 19th century twin-handled chamber pot was rated at £2200 by bidders at Lockdales (18% buyer’s premium) at Ipswich.


Krugier name adds to appeal of £55,000 Hokusai drawing

01 April 2017

This Japanese rice paper drawing was among a number of lots to draw strong bidding at Dreweatts and Bloomsbury’s (24% buyer’s premium) offering of the Jan Krugier collection.


Pick of the Week: Leighton’s house record for House

01 April 2017

The highest price for a picture sold in the regions this year came when a large painting by Edmund Blair Leighton (1853-1922) drew dramatic bidding at House & Son (17.5% buyer’s premium) in Bournemouth on March 21.


Dealers at the Foire de Chatou: Pele-Mele Antiquités

01 April 2017

Christophe Richème likes to mix periods and styles: a Napoleonic bridal vase sits alongside a 1970s shop display cabinet in his shop Pele-Mele Antiquités in Montmorot Lons-Le-Saunier in the Jura region.


Previews: £5001 - £30,000

01 April 2017

ATG’s weekly selection of items on sale at auctions and dealerships.


A present from ‘Edinborough’

01 April 2017

Presumably the recipient, one Charles Salter of ‘Edinborough’, was pleased to receive to this 18th century green-glazed creamware presentation teapot in 1791.


Bid Barometer

01 April 2017

ATG’s selection of auction lots bought by internet bidders on from the period March 16-22, 2017. This includes both the highest prices over estimate and the top prices paid online.

