

Oil painting


Was this the work of Wilkie?

04 July 2022

A study of a figure wearing a robe and turban drew a fierce bidding battle at Eldreds (25% buyer’s premium) in Plymouth at the end of last month.


Previews: Old Masters and traditional art

13 June 2022

A look at highlights from dealers and summer auctions in the UK.


Art market: Bingham collection ends on a high note

23 May 2022

London dealer in historic instruments also amassed paintings on a musical theme


Officer portrayed by little-known artist plays his part

23 May 2022

Among recent sales with a lyrical element was Mallams’ (25% buyer’s premium) Art & Music auction on April 6 in Oxford.


Pór result, healthy sum

09 May 2022

A woodland scene by Hungarian painter Bertalan Pór (1880-1964) caught the eye of a number of bidders at a Cotswolds saleroom.


Softer side of the Newlyn community

02 May 2022

When people think of the Newlyn School, most commonly it is pictures of Cornish fishermen, farmers and miners that spring to mind.


Legal eagle eyed traditional art

18 April 2022

Group of 12 offered in Cambridge saleroom comprised mainly 18th century British works


Simple Strawberries come to life

11 April 2022

Paintings by Old Masters bear fruit as new artist auction highs are set in Parisian sales


How Lady Hamilton stared down at Uncle Monty

11 April 2022

A couple of elegant portraits from the collection of Professor Bernard Nevill (1930-2019) drew keen interest at Bellmans (22% buyer’s premium).


The appeal of art close to the heart

04 April 2022

Although an artist may not have wide recognition, strong local links can compensate


The simple but charming style of J Fisher

04 April 2022

Local appeal propelled a naïve painting of Farnham to 40-times its top estimate at Parker Fine Art Auctions’ (25% buyer’s premium) latest sale.


Castle view comes to Atlanta

04 April 2022

This view of a Rheinish castle in a landscape is attributed to the 17th century Dutch landscape artist Herman Saftleven the Younger (1609-85).


Fairbanks collection: McEwen prices bloom and Betts sits comfortably in the market

28 March 2022

Two works formerly owned by American actor Douglas Fairbanks Jr (1909-2000) drew dramatic competition at a dedicated sale of his collection.


Characteristic Rohlfs chair sets record

28 March 2022

A characteristically elaborately pierced and carved oak hall chair by the US furniture maker and designer Charles Rohlfs (1853-1936) proved to be the toast of the most recent Cottone (20% buyer’s premium) auction.


Teniers painting emerges after 200-year wait

28 March 2022

The last time this painting by David Teniers the younger (before 1610-90), depicting an alchemist in his workshop, was mentioned in a publication was back in 1877 and it comes to the market after having been in a Swiss family collection for over 200 years.


Marie Antoinette portrait and sketch now united

21 March 2022

A sale of Old Masters held by Aguttes (25/23% buyer’s premium) included this portrait of the youthful Marie Antoinette.


Eastern European artists on the rise at UK auctions

21 February 2022

Pictures by eastern European artists generating interest from national-minded buyers is an increasingly common sight at UK regional sales.


Rare Wright of Derby portrait reflects a tragic loss

14 February 2022

Among a flurry of historical portraits coming to the regional market at the start of this year, arguably the most notable appeared at Oxfordshire saleroom JS Fine Art (20% buyer’s premium).


Dufy’s double value from British sporting events

24 January 2022

Two British sporting scenes by French artist Raoul Dufy (1877-1953) were among the best-sellers in auctions held within a day of each other on either side of the Atlantic.


Alfred Cohen’s Commedia view attracts interest against a lowly pitch

17 January 2022

American artist Alfred Cohen (1920-2001) was inspired by the colour and handling of the Post-Impressionists and the imagery of the Commedia dell’arte.