
Edward Bulmer’s design for his friend Philip Mould’s next stand at The Treasure House Fair.

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Now their fine art and design skills are coming together as the pair collaborate on the Philip Mould & Company exhibition stand at The Treasure House Fair 2024 (June 26-July 2 at The Royal Hospital Chelsea, London).

The stand will be “infused with a Bloomsbury Group aesthetic” with Bulmer taking Charleston Farmhouse as his ‘muse’.

It will showcase artworks by Harrington Mann, Duncan Grant, Cedric Morris, Vanessa Bell, Jessica Dismorr, Henri Gaudier-Brzeska, Simon Bussy, Augustus John, Mark Gertler, Dod Procter, Lucy Harwood, Stephen Tomlin and Nina Hamnett, among others.

Mould says: “Our gallery has a diverse collection of paintings and Ed has done brilliantly by combining the bold Charleston aesthetic with the stylish ease of the English country house. Who could have ever guessed in our university days that we might come together to do something as enjoyable as this?”

Past collaborations with Bulmer include the design of the Philip Mould gallery in Pall Mall eight years ago as well as the wall colours in the art dealer’s London home.