
Ilka Gansera-Levegue.

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1 How did you get your start as a dealer?

It all began in May last year. On the 2000 Guineas weekend [a Newmarket horse racing event] I held an open day at Saint Wendred’s, my racing yard. I combined it with art, all of which was for sale for invited guests and the general public.

I was asked by some of the participating artists if they could leave their work with me, to represent them in the UK. So the idea of opening a permanent gallery was born. It’s gone from strength to strength.

2 What is your area of focus?


Whose Ball Anyway? by folk artist Anna Pugh (b.1938) priced at £9000 from Art & Horse Racing Gallery.

It started with an emphasis on equine art. This naturally encompasses sporting art. I would say my focus now is on exhibiting the beauty of nature and hard work, showcasing art that makes you feel good.

3 Tell us about any events you have planned

My upcoming fairs include Petworth Park Antiques & Fine Art Fair on May 17-19, followed by a festival exhibition at my racing yard in Newmarket on July 11-13 and then in the winter I will take part in the Art Fair East in Norwich on November 7-10.

4 Tell us about something you are proud of

I am very lucky to be working with an artist of Anna Pugh’s (b.1938) calibre. To be representing Britain’s leading folk artist is an honour and opportunity to make my name in this world.

5 What is one item you could not do without?

A vintage Amish quilt, I love textile art.